Keeping Cool With Reflective Roofs

Mark Jordan Co • February 26, 2020
Keeping Cool With Reflective Roofs

In the previous blog, we mentioned a more cost-effective solution in tackling the Heat Island Effect phenomenon. Aside from greening your roof with plants and sprinkling water onto the roof, one can apply roof coating with high solar reflectivity. This would allow the sunlight that hits the roof surface to reflect back towards the atmosphere. For buildings, around 45% of heat gain would be from sunlight transmitted via the roof, thus reflective roof coating would significantly reduce overall heat absorption. Aside from this, the capital cost for this solution is relatively low since even existing roofs can use the reflective coating without need for much renovations.

Approximately 40% of building electricity consumption comes from air-conditioning use. By applying roof coating with high solar reflectivity, the cooling load would be reduced since the ambient temperature within the building will be cooler. From this, less power is consumed by the A/C, thus translating into more energy savings as well as lower carbon emissions. This type of product would really be beneficial given our tropical and humid climate.

We at GreenSolutions take pride in being a distributor of quality green building materials, particularly our main product line of reflective roof coating under TOPPS. This is currently manufactured in the United States and it is well-known for its superior energy efficiency performance as supported by the Energy Star rating administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What sets TOPPS Products apart from the market competition is its energy saving and waterproofing capabilities, which are lab-tested and supported by experts in the field. Its main characteristic of being a solvent-based coating makes it a superior product in terms of waterproofing at 0.18 perms, as opposed to the standard water-based coating with 50 perms. With this, the life of the roof would be further extended given its 850% elongation and strength of 12 N/mm2, compared to 100% elongation and 1.09 N/mm2 strength of other leading brands.  For its solar reflectivity, a standard grey roof would have 40% reflectance, but with the white coat property of TOPPS, this would increase up to 88%.

Keeping Cool With Reflective Roofs Image 2

Since most customers that require roof waterproofing would do this roughly every 2 years on average, why not invest in a product which would not only extend roof life up to 10 years but also incur energy savings in the process? Take this step towards building efficiency and sustainability with TOPPS!

To find out more about energy modelling and our consultancy services, check our our website at

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